Radar-Based Gesture-Recognition through a Wearable
专利名称:Radar-Based Gesture-Recognition through a
Wearable Device
发明人:Ivan Poupyrev,Gaetano Roberto Aiello申请号:US15403066申请日:20170110
摘要:This document describes techniques and devices for radar-based gesture-recognition through a wearable device. The techniques enable an easy-to-use inputinterface through this wearable radar device, in contrast to small or difficult-to-use input
interfaces common to wearable computing devices. Further, these techniques are notlimited to interfacing with wearable computing devices, but may aid users in controllingvarious non-wearable devices, such as to control volume on a stereo, pause a movieplaying on a television, or select a webpage on a desktop computer.
申请人:Google Inc.
地址:Mountain View CA US